Forest Hazards

ffa forestry Mar 13, 2024

Use these videos to help students recognize and identify common forest hazards both for the land lab and the contest. 

  • Blackberry
  • Greenbriar
  • Poison Ivy
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Tree Identification for Forestry

cde ffa forestry tree id Mar 13, 2024

These 33 Tree Identification videos help your students learn the difference between many of the trees on the Forestry CDE list. 

  • American Sycamore
  • Ash
  • Black Cherry
  • Black Locust
  • Black Oak
  • Black Walnut
  • Blackgum
  • Blackjack Oak
  • Boxelder
  • Buckeye
  • Catalpa
  • Chestnut Oak
  • Eastern Red Cedar
  • Eastern Redbud
  • Flowering Dogwood
  • Leyland Cypress
  • Mockernut Hickory
  • Mulberry
  • Overcup Oak
  • Pecan
  • Post Oak
  • Red Maple
  • River Birch
  • Sawtooth Oak
  • Sourwood
  • Southern Magnolia
  • Sumac
  • Sweetbay
  • Sweetgum
  • Virginia Creeper
  • Water Oak
  • White Oak
  • Yellow Poplar
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Teach Land Measurement for Forestry Quickly and Easily

Use these 8 videos on Land Measurement to quickly and easily teach your students how to use compass coordinates to draw maps and calculate are for Forestry 

  • Before You Go Outside
  • Getting Started With Map Drawing
  • Drawing Your Map
  • Calculating Acreage
  • Taking A Bearing
  • Intro The Compass Course
  • Using A Compass
  • How To Use A Staff Compass
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